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Stella Lutheran Handbell Choir

O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!  Psalm 95:1

Music is an expression of our worship and devotion to God. We strive to incorporate musical arrangements that coordinate with our Sunday service, in glorifying and uniting us to Him.


The bell choir consists of dedicated members, in a wide range of age, musical skill and knowledge. The group performs during special church services and community events.

The English handbell is made of bronze. Gloves are worn by choir members to protect the finish of the bells. Each ringer is responsible for playing at least two notes of an octave, plus the sharps and flats associated to their notes. In more complicated musical arrangements, ringers  play bells and their coordinating chimes. Some arrangements allow the choir to perform techniques that enhance and create unique bell tones. Ringers playing the higher octave or "little bells" may at times perform with eight bells plus chimes.

History of the Handbell Choir...

The Stella Lutheran Handbell Choir was formed in 1987, under the direction of Ann Trimble, after two octaves of English handbells were donated to the chapel in memory of Lorraine Amundsen. Over the years the choir has expanded to five octaves of bells and four octaves of chimes through generous memorial contributions and fundraiser events, thus allowing the choir to perform more complicated arrangements. 


Ann Trimble retired after thirty-one years of service on May 20, 2018. She leaves behind a group of dedicated individuals inspired by her vision, passion and spiritual connection to the music of the bells. Thank you Miss Ann for your patience, sharing of your gifts and for making bell choir fun! 


Our incoming Bell Choir Director, Patti Lamb, is a current member of the bell choir with twenty-four years of experience.  We welcome her and look forward to her leadership in this ministry, as the bells play on. 

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